How to use a smart phone as a teaching tool in education for sustainable development (21 minutes – note the actual lecture starts at minute 1 after a brief intro).
Theme: Values and ethics
An introduction to Wicked Sustainability Problems (12 minutes)
A short online introductary lecture into the topic of Wicked Sustainability Problems
Sustainability as an Attractively Vague Concept – a Competence Perspective (11 minutes)
A short online introductary lecture into the topic of Sustainability as an Attractively Vague Concept – a Competence Perspective
An Introduction to Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development (11 minutes)
A short online introductary lecture into the topic of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development
Analysing the state of student participation in two Eco-Schools using Engeström’s Second Generation Activity Systems Model
This research investigates the state of student participation in the Eco-Schools programme in two selected secondary schools located in Spain and the Netherlands. The focus is on understanding the levers of student participation and of the factors leading to a whole-school approach.
Rethinking education: towards a global common good?
The goal of this publication is to think big again and re-vision education in a changing world. For this, we need debate and dialogue across the board.
World Happiness Report
The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be.
Human Development Reports
The human development approach – is about expanding the richness of human life, rather than simply the richness of the economy in which human beings live. It is an approach that is focused on people and their opportunities and choices.
Earth Charter – centre for education for sustainable development
The Earth Charter Education Center offers a variety of online education programs that place special emphasis on the importance of incorporating values and principles for sustainability in learning and decision-making processes.
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