Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and aims to strengthen learners’ ability to deal with socio-scientific issues (SSIs) and Grand Challenges (i.e., urgent global problems) which relate directly to the pursuit of sustainable development.
Education level : Vocational/Adult education
Why buy? The symbolic value of consumption
Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and focuses on historical reflection, self-analysis, and comparison of examples as key learning strategies, to help explore themes related to responsible living and sustainable development. The toolkit encourages communication between students and elders in their families or communities.
Personal Consumption and Climate Change
Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and focuses in particular on using photographs and a range of active teaching and learning approaches and strategies to explore the themes of: personal consumption, climate change and responsible living.
WEBINAR: Kicking the Bottled Water Habit
A webinar about how to organize a campaign to eliminate bottled water in your community. The webinar covers topics such as how to get started, how to build public support, and how to maximize media coverage — with a special look at successful campaigns from university campuses.
Switch Asia
Through its grants scheme the programme funds pilot projects helping consumers to act more responsibly in their daily choices and lifestyles as well as helping companies to adopt cleaner technologies and more sustainable industrial practices. The evidence provided by projects is meant to feed into policy and regulatory discussions with national governments.
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