Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and focuses on inquiry-based learning. Specifically the toolkit draws on the 5Es Model as a specific inquire-based learning model. This model adapts the generic inquiry-based learning cycle (i.e. ask-investigate-create-discuss-reflect) into a more defined set of five phases, each with a distinct purpose and learning approach.
Language: Spanish
Midiendo lo que importa

Los profesores, estudiantes, padres y/o administradores participantes trabajan juntos para elegir aquellos indicadores que consideran útiles y relevantes. Si fuese necesario, el parafraseo de los indicadores puede cambiarse y, entonces, pueden identificarse otros métodos de medición adecuados.
Financial Literacy, personal finance management

Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and aims to help learners gain knowledge and understanding of the concepts of personal finance and the various terms related to the theme. It further helps learners apply their newly gained knowledge in an integrated manner in order to make responsible choices and take action for their own benefit and the benefit of others.
The Good Life Goals

The Good Life Goals lay out 85 ways anyone can contribute towards the huge, planet-changing objectives that sit at the heart of the SDG agenda.
Global Oneness Project

Using stories as a pedagogical tool for growing minds, we bring the world’s cultures alive in the classroom. Committed to the exploration of cultural, environmental, and social issues, we offer a rich library of multimedia stories comprised of award-winning films, photo essays, and essays.
Food for Thought

Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and aims to strengthen learners’ ability to deal with socio-scientific issues (SSIs) and Grand Challenges (i.e., urgent global problems) which relate directly to the pursuit of sustainable development.
Why buy? The symbolic value of consumption

Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and focuses on historical reflection, self-analysis, and comparison of examples as key learning strategies, to help explore themes related to responsible living and sustainable development. The toolkit encourages communication between students and elders in their families or communities.
Personal Consumption and Climate Change

Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and focuses in particular on using photographs and a range of active teaching and learning approaches and strategies to explore the themes of: personal consumption, climate change and responsible living.
WEBINAR: Kicking the Bottled Water Habit

A webinar about how to organize a campaign to eliminate bottled water in your community. The webinar covers topics such as how to get started, how to build public support, and how to maximize media coverage — with a special look at successful campaigns from university campuses.
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