Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and offers a variety of ideas and suggestions for teachers, trainers and other pedagogical professionals who want to experience and try mindfulness exercises together with those they teach or train.
Education level : Primary school
Dare to Differ
Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and focuses on inquiry-based learning. Specifically the toolkit draws on the 5Es Model as a specific inquire-based learning model. This model adapts the generic inquiry-based learning cycle (i.e. ask-investigate-create-discuss-reflect) into a more defined set of five phases, each with a distinct purpose and learning approach.
Education for Sustainable Development
Part of an Active Methodology Images and Objects series and builds on the already well documented use of images and photographs in education. The toolkit might provide a “quick start” for teachers/facilitators who would like to use a visual approach to exploring aspects of Sustainable Development in their teaching and learning environment.
Time as a Resource
Part of an Active Methodologies Images and Objects series and aims at promoting active learning activities involving real world problems. These are complex problems which require learners to work together to identify solutions and to make change happen.
Anatomy of action

The Anatomy of action outlines the top level changes any individual can make to support the growing shift to global sustainability.
Ocean today

Provides award-winning 2 minute videos on all aspects of the ocean realm great for student introduction and engagement.
Growing a Shared Vision – A toolkit for schools

Test your knowledge of common online scams and see how you can protect yourself from being scammed!
Growing a Shared Vision – A toolkit for schools

This toolkit provides tools to assess whether the educational environment we create for our students facilitates acquiring responsible values.
Midiendo lo que importa

Los profesores, estudiantes, padres y/o administradores participantes trabajan juntos para elegir aquellos indicadores que consideran útiles y relevantes. Si fuese necesario, el parafraseo de los indicadores puede cambiarse y, entonces, pueden identificarse otros métodos de medición adecuados.
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